Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Your Wish Is My Command

Doesn’t everyone wish they could find a Genie in a bottle? Last year at a Chris Botti concert, Chris mentioned how he used the web like a Genie in a bottle.

  • If he needed direction, Internet Search Find Location…
  • If he needed to find a date, Internet Dating…
  • If he needed self-help, Internet Search….

Basic Community Information
Then why can’t we find simple information about the communities we live in? Just basic stuff:

Completing Transactions
Then there is actually completing transactions, like:

The Next Step
What I’d like to do is like:

  • Give pages a thumbs up or thumbs down – nothing complicated just this government page was useful thumbs up or this government page was not helpful ठुम्ब्सdown
  • Create my own log in page so I don’t have to go looking for the stuff I want each time I return to my city or county website
  • Definitely use Real Simple Syndication – it keeps my e-mail box cleaned out of “clutter” or having to go look in separate e-mail folders and open tons of e-mails.(Not to mention how much it can save the government offices and our environment by not printing and mailing!)

Wow, Chris was right, the Internet is like a Genie, you just have to be sure that you have your information within reach of the Genie so he can access it। Watch for my next blog about SEO Search Engine Optimization-Feeding the Genie…