Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Summer Fun

It's officially summer time! Yea! This is the time of year when school is out for the season (for most) and the temperature's rise up the thermometer brings about the nostalgia of euphoric fun.

You know the kind of fun where you can go outside and play, work in the garden, mow the lawn, watch the birds, smell the flowers, break out the grill, and just kick back and breathe in the air.

I'm picturing all of the above, already, and the sensational bliss it offers up.

Then it hits me, 'Is your website updated with your Parks offerings, where your citizen's can easily get to the information?'

If not, then, now may be the perfect time to spruce it up and let your citizen's know what's happening in your area. Since most people are planning on 'Staycations' instead of 'Vacations', this is just another easy way to engage with them.

And we all know that summer fun, brings along the display of 'fireworks'. If your city, county, or town - has regulations for the use of 'fireworks', you might want to think about posting or linking this information to your home page. This will prevent your citizen's from having to search and find the information, before they begin their fireworks razzle and dazzle.

Speaking of razzle and dazzle...uh oh, I hear the outside air calling me...OK, it's the street fair with bands playing. Gotta go!