Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Summer Fun

It's officially summer time! Yea! This is the time of year when school is out for the season (for most) and the temperature's rise up the thermometer brings about the nostalgia of euphoric fun.

You know the kind of fun where you can go outside and play, work in the garden, mow the lawn, watch the birds, smell the flowers, break out the grill, and just kick back and breathe in the air.

I'm picturing all of the above, already, and the sensational bliss it offers up.

Then it hits me, 'Is your website updated with your Parks offerings, where your citizen's can easily get to the information?'

If not, then, now may be the perfect time to spruce it up and let your citizen's know what's happening in your area. Since most people are planning on 'Staycations' instead of 'Vacations', this is just another easy way to engage with them.

And we all know that summer fun, brings along the display of 'fireworks'. If your city, county, or town - has regulations for the use of 'fireworks', you might want to think about posting or linking this information to your home page. This will prevent your citizen's from having to search and find the information, before they begin their fireworks razzle and dazzle.

Speaking of razzle and dazzle...uh oh, I hear the outside air calling me...OK, it's the street fair with bands playing. Gotta go!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Where's the Beef (Sorry Vegans)

In a survey posted by Zagat today, Wendy's was named as the 'Top Fast Food' restaurant.

So, this started me to thinking (I know this can be somewhat scary, thrilling, and exciting - all at the same time), how can you share your beefie news with your citizens?

Well, through the use of your website of course! Citizen's and viewers of your website, like to be informed, whether your news is beefie or not so beefie.

By keeping them informed on your website with "News Postings" or the "Events Calendar", you are providing an invaluable service. Not to mention cutting down on the number of telephone calls your offices may recieve.

And just think, by posting the information directly to your website, you don't have to ask...'would you like to supersize your order'!

Now, that is food for thought!


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Road Trip

Getting Directions

Summer is a great time of year! Even when gas prices are up the American way is still to load up the family and head out for a day, a week-end, a week or a month long road trip! Exploring the country side, beaches, national parks and other great places making memories that last a lifetime.

A Trip Down Nostalgia Lane

Maybe I’m just getting older, but I remember those nostalgic trips of my youth. First, with my parents there was the big trip to

Along the way my parents used the infamous atlas to guide us across the country. My mom is wonderful navigator, though my dad never would have asked for directions, even if she wasn’t.

Municipal websites are much like driving across the country. You know you want to get to the good stuff:

Who Will Stop and Ask for Directions?

Yes, yes the search box and site map are there (or should be) but stop and get out of the car (mentally) to ask for direction? Well, if you are anything like my dad, you are saying, “I can find it just give me some time.”

If the webmasters knew you were struggling they would be praying please use the search box, or ask for direction it is right here. But don’t forget most people will abandon a site within 30 seconds to 1.5 minutes.

That is why having a smartly architecture site is basic building block to a successful municipal website.

Use Clear Road Signs

Helping your site visitors find information can be done in lots of ways such as:

Using Boxes, Grading or Coloring/Shading areas to help call the users attention to areas

Icons for commonly sought after items

  • Pull Down Menus
  • Drop Down Menus
  • Bold Headers
  • Most importantly is the efficient reuse of content which saves your publishers time so they don’t have to republish and keep up with like information in various areas throughout the site.

Enjoy the Ride

Save yourself some time with smart publishing and smart architecture and get out on that road trip today!