Friday, January 8, 2010


'V' is the 22nd letter in the english alphabet.

And the use of the letter 'V' in the last decade has showed up in some of the most watched and talked about movies and series of the year. (BTW, the vote is still out on what to name the first decade of the 2000's - the moniker 'The Aughts' has been suggested but hasn't quite caught on yet).

If you are a fan of the ShowTime series 'True Blood' then you probably know all about what 'V' is. No worries, if you don't watch the series. Yet if you have teenagers, then you already know the movies 'Twilight and New Moon' is all the rage and the letter 'V' followed by other letters of the alphabet is the highlight of the movie series.

Let's not forget to mention the upcoming 'V' for Valentine's Day, yes, the holidays for 2009 have ended, and the retailers are already gearing up for this day. I'm sure some of you have already even posted the 'Daddy/Daughter Dance' for Valentine's Day on your programs and events calendar.

So, you've probably picked up by now that I am very interested in the letter 'V' right now and for good reason! Why, because 'V' is the leading letter in the new version of the next eGov Content Management System platform 'v6'.

Yes, this is very great news. And at this point, all I can say is...I'm so 'V'.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Enjoy the Season!

Oh the joy of the season is upon us.

We wish you a safe and happy holiday!

From us to you!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Fall - The Dread and Glad

There is no denying it, Fall or Autumn as some prefer, is officially here. I personally didn't want to acknowledge it, as I wanted to remain basking in the ambience of the sun's summer rays of light.

Well now the sun's summer rays of light are dissipating into shorter days and longer nights. So inevitably, I give in, and accept the season's change. That is for me, the dread.

We've now past the day that makes Fall, Fall (Halloween). Yes, this is that marking point for most. With the ready availability of pumpkins and all those pies one can make, share, and eat.

For most of us, this time also means we're looking at closing out the books for the fiscal year, preparing budgets for the upcoming year, and including the list of the top priorities overall. All of this leads up to the public meetings and making agendas and minutes available for your citizens to review and attend those meetings you've no doubt posted on the event calendar of the website.

Yes, the gatherings of Fall.

Now comes one of the most humbling of holidays to include the festivities of Thanksgiving and making sure I don't over indulge myself to much on all the wonderful food that is prepared.

And when I'm able to hold back that last bite of whatever mouth watering morsel that is dangling from my fork, yep, I'm glad!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

09/07/2009 - Monday

Guess what? OK, no guessing involved as I didn't provide a lead as to what you would be guessing about. So, I'll let you in on it, instead.

Some or many, may not know the origins of Labor Day, with that stated, I'll share the information here that was provided by the 'Farmer's Almanac'.

'Always the first Monday in September, Labor Day was the idea of Peter J. Maguire, a labor union leader who in 1882 proposed a celebration honoring the American worker. At his suggestion, 10,000 workers held a parade in Union Square, New York, and followed it with political speeches, fireworks, and a picnic. The date chosen was simply "convenient," according to Maguire, because it was midway between the Fourth of July and Thanksgiving. Although the day’s focus on organized labor has diminished over the years, the legal holiday still marks the near end of summer and the traditional time for children to return to school'.

So enjoy this day and for those of you grilling out - Happy Grilling!

p.s. I'm skipping out of work on September 7, don't tell anyone, as this is between you and me. Hey...who in the heck posted this on the 'Events Calendar'? Oh well, now they know.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Keeping Your Team 'In-the-Know'

Have you ever been speaking to one of your team members and you asked them about a project or commented on an issue in passing? Then suddenly you realize seconds later from the team member's reaction, that they had no idea what you were speaking about.

Yea, this happens to the best of people, due to other important projects, meetings, or deadlines. So, next comes the daunting task of bringing the person up to speed, and apologizing for not sharing the information with them earlier.

In doing so, the uninformed person makes a comment or points out an area with a different view, that you happen to find valuable. And you are more than likely thinking...'I wish I'd had the time to include them earlier'.

Now you can! Utilize your website's INTRANET power or other notification options to post and inform.

Keeping your team 'In-the-Know' only takes seconds and can save us from those...hmm...awkward moments.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Summer Fun

It's officially summer time! Yea! This is the time of year when school is out for the season (for most) and the temperature's rise up the thermometer brings about the nostalgia of euphoric fun.

You know the kind of fun where you can go outside and play, work in the garden, mow the lawn, watch the birds, smell the flowers, break out the grill, and just kick back and breathe in the air.

I'm picturing all of the above, already, and the sensational bliss it offers up.

Then it hits me, 'Is your website updated with your Parks offerings, where your citizen's can easily get to the information?'

If not, then, now may be the perfect time to spruce it up and let your citizen's know what's happening in your area. Since most people are planning on 'Staycations' instead of 'Vacations', this is just another easy way to engage with them.

And we all know that summer fun, brings along the display of 'fireworks'. If your city, county, or town - has regulations for the use of 'fireworks', you might want to think about posting or linking this information to your home page. This will prevent your citizen's from having to search and find the information, before they begin their fireworks razzle and dazzle.

Speaking of razzle and dazzle...uh oh, I hear the outside air calling me...OK, it's the street fair with bands playing. Gotta go!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Where's the Beef (Sorry Vegans)

In a survey posted by Zagat today, Wendy's was named as the 'Top Fast Food' restaurant.

So, this started me to thinking (I know this can be somewhat scary, thrilling, and exciting - all at the same time), how can you share your beefie news with your citizens?

Well, through the use of your website of course! Citizen's and viewers of your website, like to be informed, whether your news is beefie or not so beefie.

By keeping them informed on your website with "News Postings" or the "Events Calendar", you are providing an invaluable service. Not to mention cutting down on the number of telephone calls your offices may recieve.

And just think, by posting the information directly to your website, you don't have to ask...'would you like to supersize your order'!

Now, that is food for thought!
