Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Fall - The Dread and Glad

There is no denying it, Fall or Autumn as some prefer, is officially here. I personally didn't want to acknowledge it, as I wanted to remain basking in the ambience of the sun's summer rays of light.

Well now the sun's summer rays of light are dissipating into shorter days and longer nights. So inevitably, I give in, and accept the season's change. That is for me, the dread.

We've now past the day that makes Fall, Fall (Halloween). Yes, this is that marking point for most. With the ready availability of pumpkins and all those pies one can make, share, and eat.

For most of us, this time also means we're looking at closing out the books for the fiscal year, preparing budgets for the upcoming year, and including the list of the top priorities overall. All of this leads up to the public meetings and making agendas and minutes available for your citizens to review and attend those meetings you've no doubt posted on the event calendar of the website.

Yes, the gatherings of Fall.

Now comes one of the most humbling of holidays to include the festivities of Thanksgiving and making sure I don't over indulge myself to much on all the wonderful food that is prepared.

And when I'm able to hold back that last bite of whatever mouth watering morsel that is dangling from my fork, yep, I'm glad!